State of the Project, July 2022

So, dear Readers, work proceeds apace — and, in fact, at a faster clip than I’d anticipated, which is very heartening. I’ve exported the map data and converted the files into CSVs from KMZ format, and now I’m adding the information into one big Excel workbook. After a little experimentation, I’ve decided that each title gets its own sheet within the larger workbook. I then import each layer from the map individually, as I had the conversion program break it out that way — better granularity makes for more work but also makes it easier to trace back and verify data in one place rather than repeatedly.

As far as the data goes, I’ve also been adding library affiliations and categorizations. One thing that’s been interesting to me is that although I haven’t found any libraries that focus on Lennox in their collections per se, I have found her works — particularly her translations — in a very wide variety of institutions, particularly in the US. By categorizing the types of institution, I’m establishing another set of data points that may point me toward provenance, or at least give me some interesting information to go on.

As of right now, I’ve finished importing the Countess of Berci, The Count of Comminge, Euphemia, and the Greek Theatre of Father Brumoy. I’m halfway done with The Life of Harriot Stuart. The thing about these listings is that they’re all relatively short. The big ones (I’m looking at you, Marquis of Sully) are going to take considerably more time. I’m going to be very interested to see where I can get to by this time next month, though.