State of the Project, September 2022

The header of a Contents page from an early edition of The Female Quixote, black print on beige paper.

My apologies for the lateness of this update, as it is very nearly October! I know, however, that my few regular readers will forgive my tardiness. Luckily no one sets their calendar by my updates. 🙂

The month of September is nearly always a month of “festina lente,” as my high school science teacher Mrs. Freese used to say — translated from Latin as either “hasten slowly” or “hurry up and wait,” with the latter being closer to my own experience. The semester starts in earnest, paperwork is in dire need of getting done, the spring semester suddenly has to be settled, and then whoosh, toward the end there’s a chance to breathe again.

I have made some progress this month, hitting that middle space between “not as much as I’d wanted” and “none at all.” I continued entering gathered data into the core spreadsheet, finishing with Henrietta and continuing on through Hermione (possibly misattributed though it may be), The History of the Marquess of Lussan and Isabella, issues of The Lady’s Museum, and The Memoirs for the History of Madame de Maintenon. To this website I’ve added the maps for The Greek Theatre of Father Brumoy and the aforementioned Maintenon title. I am still working on transcribing the data I got at Penn State (and that was a fantastic trip, let me tell you — I finished up with everything I had access to in exactly the time I had to be there, which is something of a minor miracle in itself), but I’ve made great progress on determining what data I’m collecting and what I’m not as interested in. I hope by the end of the year to offer up a sample of that from one of the books I studied.

Next month will probably be slower than this one in terms of overall progress — midterms are never very forgiving of time spent away from grading, and that’s especially true for the classes I’m teaching this semester. That being said, I’m pushing forward as much as I can. I need to get the entries squared away so I can start looking at other fellowship applications for libraries. Now that’s exciting. 🙂